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Calendar of Important Dates
*Dates may change as we go through the year
August 16th- Kindergarten class lists emailed
August 19th- ZOOM Parent Orientation
August 21st- First Day of School
September 2nd- No School- Labor Day
September 3rd -13th- Color Days
September 4th- Back 2 School Night- 6:00 and 6:30pm
September 27th- Johnny Appleseed Day
October 31st- Halloween fun- Wear your costume!
November 11th- No School- Veteran's Day
November 12th- 178th- Parent Teacher Conferences *Minimum days
November 22nd- Friendship Feast
November 25th- 29th- No School- Thanksgiving Break
December 1st- School resumes
December 6th-Hibernation Day- Wear your pajamas!
December 19th- Kindergarten Winter Show
December 20th- Grinch Day-Wear your Pajamas!
December 23rd- January 3rd- No School- Winter Break
January 6th- School Resumes and Kindness Month kick-off
January 20th- No School- MLK Jr. Day
January 31st-100th day of School- Dress like a 100 year old!
February 10th- No School- Lincoln's Birthday
February 14th- Valentine's Day class celebration
February 17th- No School- Washington's Birthday
February 24th- 28th- Dr. Seuss Week
March 2nd- Dr. Seuss' Birthday
April 4th- Spring Egg Hunt & Lunch on the Lawn
April 7th-- 18th- No School- Spring Break
April 21st- School Resumes
May 9th- Muffins with Mom- 7:30-8:00am
May 26th- No School- Memorial Day
June 6th- Donuts with Dad- 7:30- 8:00am
June 10th- Kindergarten End of Year Show 8:00am
June 11th- Last Day of School- 12:20 dismissal
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